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May 25 2011
In recent years, it seems that more opinions have given credence to the notion that raising high-producing cows in freestall barns, storing manure in lagoons, and storing silage in bunkers are all better...
May 24 2011
USDA finally appears ready to make a decision on national ID. According to the May 24, 2011, Wall Street Journal, "USDA wants every cow to have a unique numerical ID, stamped on an inexpensive ear tag...
May 16 2011
Will the 2012 Farm Bill actually be written and passed in 2012? What will it look like? That was the focus of the discussion at the opening session of the National Dairy Producers Conference in Omaha,...
May 10 2011
If your herd could talk to you about their pen dynamics, what would they say? Would they compliment the soft, bedded freestalls, the wide alley ways, and the roominess of the feedbunk? Or would they be...
April 28 2011
If you are an active online agriculturalist (or "agvocate" as it is termed in pro-agriculture Twitter and Facebook circles like #AgChat), you have probably realized that the New York Times and its associated...
April 27 2011
It may not seem like spring weather, but spring is here! That means it's time to clean, replace, and check on your equipment and facilities. David Bray at the University of Florida provided several items...
April 26 2011
Have you ever been in the middle of a huge mess or fight with no exit door? But when you think about it, you're not exactly sure what got you into the chaos in the first place? For those of us in agriculture,...
April 19 2011
We are very familiar with the four H's: (head, heart, hands, and health) in the 4-H pledge. But now the "health for better living" holds even more meaning. According to recent findings from Tufts University,...
April 5 2011
Every five years, the federal government releases updated Dietary Guidelines for Americans, making recommendations on servings for the various food groups. Milk and dairy products continue to be an important...
March 29 2011
Whole Foods Market is phasing in a new five-step animal welfare rating program for all chicken, beef, and pork products (Click here for their animal welfare page). At the least, all animal products must...
March 17 2011
Today, we are expecting at least 150 visitors at the Hoard's Dairyman Farm as part of a tour sponsored by M & I Bank for its dairy clients. At the suggestion of M & I loan officers and because of the current...
March 17 2011
Today, we are expecting at least 150 visitors at the Hoard's Dairyman Farm as part of a tour sponsored by M & I Bank for its dairy clients. At the suggestion of M & I loan officers and because of the current...
March 15 2011
Hoard's Dairyman's third webinar was a great success! Dr. Mark Stephenson, Director of Dairy Policy Analysis for the University of Wisconsin-Madison, presented "How milk production control plans compare."...
March 14 2011
Last Tuesday, the Hoard Jersey herd which now numbers 147 cows was appraised by AJCA appraiser, Leah Johnson. We purchased the Jerseys from three Wisconsin herds, one Illinois herd, and one in Ohio. Most...
March 14 2011
Last Tuesday, the Hoard Jersey herd which now numbers 147 cows was appraised by AJCA appraiser, Leah Johnson. We purchased the Jerseys from three Wisconsin herds, one Illinois herd, and one in Ohio. Most...
Feb. 28 2011
In a few short weeks, the March 10 issue featuring the Jersey contest class will hit your mailbox. If you would like to enter as an individual or a family, there is a postage-paid entry card in that issue....
Feb. 8 2011
In a ceremonial fly-over, the blasting engine of an F/A-18F Super Hornet took to the skies to help celebrate the opening of the world's largest annual agricultural expo. Pleasant, sunny, moderate temperatures...
Feb. 7 2011
The triple combination of sedentary technology such as video games and the internet, reduced physical activity, and eating poor diets are just some of the contributing factors causing over one-third of...
Jan. 31 2011
Late last week, USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) granted nonregulated status for alfalfa that has been genetically engineered to be resistant to the herbicide commercially known...
Jan. 27 2011
Meeting in Arlington, Va., near the nation's capital, the 50th Annual Meeting of the National Mastitis Council was both festive and productive. There was plenty of fun and reminiscing sprinkled amid the...